In this particular case study, our team encountered a challenging project involving the decommissioning of a sizable galvanized steel water tank situated within a care home. The tank's dimensions measured 5m x 2m x 2m and practically occupied the entire room where it was installed, leaving minimal room for manoeuvring. Adding to the complexity, the tank room was positioned on the building's rooftop, posing logistical difficulties for waste removal and the delivery of new equipment.

Old Water Tank Replacement
To commence with the steel water tank replacement, specialist access equipment was used to provide safe access and egress to the working area. Following this, the old steel tank was isolated, drained, carefully dismantled tank and removed from site.
Tank Build Process
To provide a solid base for the new tank, our team undertook remediation to the existing base. On top of this, our team supplied and installed new loft boarding for the work area. This provided a safe working platform around the new water tank.

Newly Installed Water Tank
After a timely turnaround, our client received a newly installed, WRAS approved 4,000ltr sectional GRP tank. This featured new screened connections, an equilibrium drop arm float valve, and top access hatch. Furthermore, we modified all pipework to suit the newly installed cold water storage tank, including the rerouting of the outlet to the opposite end.
The Story After
Subsequently, the tank underwent recommissioning and was put back into operation. The result was a compliant and WRAS-approved GRP water tank, precisely tailored to the system it served. Prior to the commissioning, our Engineers refilled the tank, checked for leaks and provided a specialist cleaning and disinfection under our replacement package.